I have been looking forward to this day since I found out I was accepted to the study abroad program. On our agenda was to visit cape point and see the penguins at boulder beach. Penguins are my absolute favorite animals, so I was really excited to see them up close on the beach. First we arrived at the Cape of Good Hope before almost anyone was there thanks to our driver Sedick. He's the greatest! The view was absolutely breath taking. The pictures I took don't do the scene justice. It took us almost 45 min or so to reach the top because we stopped at took so many pictures. Once we got to the top it was just nice to look out over the edge and admire the beauty around us. I could have stayed up there for hours. We were on the most south western point of Africa! I never thought I'd say that anytime in my life. What I liked the most was how Ciara found a paper lodged into the lighthouse tower. Of course we all thought it was a secret treasure map or something like that. Turns out it was just a piece of paper but we all wrote our names on it and put it back in the crack. So now a piece of us is still left at the top forever...or until some other student group decides to unlodge it from its space. We climber another mountain next to it and on the way down we ran into these rock dassies, little fuzzy fat rodent things. Of course I screamed when one ran right in front of me. I guess the little families were cute but I still was not a fan of them. We ended our experience at Cape of Good Hope with a delicious lunch compliments of ivy by the rocks by the beach. It was perfect!

After leaving the Cape of Good Hope we made our way to boulders beach. There were a lot of tourist there so it was a bit crowded. I was expecting to be able to go on to the beach and have the penguins just come to me. Unfortunately it was more like a zoo. The penguins were still really cute so I enjoyed it.
Lastly, we rung in the new year as a group at a bar in Observatory. I had so much fun! My group is amazing and i really enjoy their company. We drank, danced, and had a fantastic time. At midnight we counted down and took Springbok shots when the clocked turned 12. Best NYE thus far.
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