Friday, December 30, 2011

Shopping, district six, Linda Fortune

Long day! In the morning we went to this craft market and I wanted everything! I literally could have bought everything there. The jewelry was so pretty, I wanted it all. We were able to bargain down prices for things but I always felt kind of bad. I did get some good deals on things (I think) but I didn't want to rip them off or be ripped off.
After shopping we went to the District Six museum and got to meet Linda Fortune. She grew up in District Six and we read her book during our class. She was amazing! I loved hearing all her stories about growing up in District Six and the history behind the removals. She took us to Odekraal, a secret beach in Cape Town with caves! It was so beautiful. The pictures I took don't do it justice. The ocean water was a spectacular blue and the mountains overlooking the beach were breathtaking. Linda talked about how her and her family would go to Odekraal during vacations and live in the caves. It hit me when she mentioned how one time they went there and set up and began cooking like usually and then were kicked out because it had now become a white only area.
Odekraal had such amazing scenery and I can't imagine not being able to experience it because of my race. We climbed through caves and hiked up hills and enjoyed the fresh air. I ate lunch looking out onto the ocean and the rocks...beautiful. It was a perfect day.

1 comment:

  1. I'm happy to read how much you are loving this experience and I can tell that you are learning so much about the world
