Saturday, January 7, 2012

Advancing my palette

We haven't done any tourist things since we started volunteering so I was excited to do some touring. Also, I had never been wine tasting before and I was excited to see the beauty of a vineyard. We arrived at Groote Constanstia just around 10:30 and did a quick tour and learned about the wine making process. We began tasting around 11am. That's appropriate right? (it was 12pm somewhere) The vineyard was absolutely beautiful! The mountains overlooking the vineyard was gorgeous. According to our tour guide the mountains made this a prime location for growing the grapes used for wine because they blocked some of the sun. I don't have much of an advanced palette but I enjoyed the tasting for the most part. I liked the white wines and one of the reds. I know my mom would have loved it there. She's a wine fanatic. The grounds of the vineyard were full of flowers and trees (perfect for senior pictures).

After spending time in the affluent area around the vineyard we headed for lunch with mama Thope in a township about 30 miles away. She prepared a delicious authentic South African meal filled with chicken, butternut squash, and fried bread. Everything was delicious. It was shocking to see the dichotomy between the two areas. Although they were relatively close in proximity, it went from expensive houses with manicured lawns to one roomed shacks made out of scrap metal. Mama Thope told us of the history behind her bed and breakfast and where she is now with it. It's amazing that she has been all over the world! I guess I automatically assumed that people living in townships never really left the township. I know I was just giving in to stereotypes and I shouldn't have made that assumption. I have learned so much in the short time that I have been here from the adults I have encountered. Mama Thope, Andrew, Ivy, and Sedick have such pride for where they come from and embrace it every day in everything they do.

Oh yea, and I pet a cheetah.

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