Wednesday, December 28, 2011

And 30 hours later...

I'm finally in Cape Town! What a long flight! From Chicago to DC to Johannesburg and ending in Cape Town. Total trip time from when I left my house to when I stepped into the Cape Town house is about 30 hours. Travels didn't go exactly as planned when I was stopped in customs and had to go to the immigration office and when my bag arrived in Cape Town on the wrong flight. I did see Akon though at the airport so that was pretty cool. Other than that it was fine, the airplane food wasn't terrible like I had expected. Lots of chicken and beef. When we got here I found myself wanting to look at everything. Even though it was 10pm when we arrived here I still wanted to take in every little detail of what I saw. The house we are staying at is really nice! We all have our own room and the living space is huge! Im excited to explore on our first day around our neighborhood, "the observatory" and go to the beach!

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